If Mama Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy, Part 3

A Three Part blog about being Present by Julia Sifers

Katie Hawkins is an amazing writer and speaker. And she recently spoke at a few MOPS gatherings and felt inspired to share the MOPS theme for 2024 in our blog for you to get in on the goodness. The theme is “SAY YES” and has three parts: 1. Be Thankful. 2. Delight in the Little Things and the third part is what I’m writing about today.

Now I know I’m not Katie Hawkins, but as we were chatting the other day, I really was inspired by the third part and Katie asked me if I would chime in and write about it today. (Of course I said yes.)

Part 3. Be here, in the now.

I think this is one of those sayings that’s often said but the meaning doesn’t really sink in. Another way I’ve heard it is “Be Present.” As a forward thinker and planner, this perspective isn’t one I just forgot to do, it’s one that doesn’t come naturally to me. So when I hear it, I immediately think back at the times and moments I’ve failed to be here (the there) in the now (the then.) So if you’re like me, I’m giving you permission to forgive yourself for being distracted by the later-on, or the someday-maybes that pull you away from the now. We all do it. It’s especially tricky if you’re in challenge part of mothering…

the cheerios phase. Or the curious phase. Or potty training. Or even driving instructor.

Or just a hard season in your life.

But even if it’s okay for wanting to be out of the hard, it’s also SUCH a delight when you can find the good in the sticky, the fun in the confusing and the beautiful in the mess. And I think that’s the ultimate point of being present. Not to stress about “missing it” but to see these imperfect ordinary moments as a gift and go back to the part 2 and part 1 of this series. (Delight in the small and be grateful!)

When we kick off that stress, and the hurry, and plop down in the very right now this second and find the good, we’ll see good. And everything good is from God (James 1:17).

So if you’re in MOPS and in the Cheerio’s phase, or you’re an oldie but goodie, or somewhere in between…we all can SAY YES to God, and the here and the now he has for us. Because you betcha He has a plan, and a purpose for your now. And if we walk through the days with that lens on, wow, is our day brighter and filled with purpose.

Hold on to that. Say Yes to the God who loves you!


Shhhh! I Can’t Hear My Subtitles


Bright Hope