If Mama Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy, Part 2

A Three Part Blog about Attitude by Katie Hawkins

While addressing a room full of preschool mom’s I assumed each of us truly did desire to be

happier in 2024. To that end, I challenged all of us to say yes to the will of God for us by

thanking Him in all things. We first chatted about being thankful even when we encounter

discomfort…big or small. (see Part 1). Then we talked about being delighted in the

little things.

Part 2. Delight in the Little Things

A great verse from Zechariah says, Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD

rejoices to see the work begin.” (Zech 4:10) Often times we feel like we can’t say yes to God if

what He’s asking us to do seems little, insignificant, maybe a waste of our time. But

when you think of anything people accomplish it obviously has to start with the little


When Susan Wanderer and I started our podcast we had no clue what we were doing.

But we celebrated the day we bought microphones. A small step. We rejoiced when

we figured out how to record. We embraced the stories that came to our attention to

highlight because we knew God was telling us to just carry on. We had so much fun in

those early days because we didn’t despise the small, we just delighted in the

beginnings of the work.

Both Susan and I eventually wrote books. Neither of us knew how. Neither of us felt

this confidence of tackling something so big. But both of us said yes to God and

delighted in each step of the process. Each little painful step. And eventually our joy

was made complete in the final work. But if we had despised the long lonely afternoons

of scribbling our stories down, wondering if anyone would care or be blessed by

anything we had to say, the end would not have been.

The apostle Paul assures us that it is God who is at work within us both to will and to

work for His good pleasure. So when you have a tug in your heart to start something,

don’t despise the smallness, tackle it, delight in it, trust God in it, and just see where it

leads. One place I can testify that this attitude leads is greater happiness. The Lord

rejoices and so will you!


Bright Hope


Love is…tricky