If Mama Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy, Part One

A Three Part Blog About Attitude by Katie Hawkins

Have you ever heard of MOPS? Notice the all caps so I’m obviously not talking about what you

scrub floors with. It stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and it’s a worldwide organization with

small chapters everywhere. When I was asked to speak at several local groups, I googled their

theme for the year and Loved it! Say yes…is the overall theme. (at first I was worried it meant

say yes to everything like that Jim Carrey movie and that’s disastrous) They did not mean that.

It’s a theme that looks seriously at what it means to say yes to God. The three tenants are say

yes to God by embracing the uncomfortable, by delighting in the small things, and by being

here now. I touched on each one with the young moms and then realized what great, inspiring

tenants they are for all of us. So, in a condensed form,(one tenant per blog) I’ll tell you all what

I told those mama’s and took to heart for myself.

Part 1. Be Thankful

We wish each other happy new year and others wish it for us. We mean it! Who doesn’t want

to be happier in 2024 than they were in 2023. And it’s not selfish, I believe it’s a God given

desire. The old adage ‘if mama aint happy, aint nobody happy’ rings true in that we often set

the emotional tone in our households. We teach our kids much more through how we react to

situations beyond our control then we do through lectures on how they should react. If we

want a happier new year…and model emotional health for our kids….there is one thing that we

can control and it is our attitude. It is our decision to take God seriously when He clearly states

in 1 Thessalonians 5:18:

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

The human brain is not wired to hold two completely opposing thoughts at the same

time so if we are thinking grateful thoughts we can’t be complaining. If we are

worshipping God, we can’t at the same time be whining about things not going our way.

Hence, the first tenant. Say yes to God by embracing the uncomfortable. Thank Him in

all things. Not necessarily for all things but in all things. The apostle James writes,

”consider it all joy when you encounter various trials knowing that the testing of your

faith produces endurance and let endurance have it’s perfect result that you might be

mature, lacking in nothing”. (James 1:2-3)

A beautiful example of this is in the attitude of an eight year old girl named Fanny

Crosby. Some of you may recognize the prolific hymn writers name. She wrote more

than 8,000 hymns and gospel songs with more than 100 million copies printed. But had

she not embraced the uncomfortable…and I’m guessing took her cues from her mom’s

attitude, would she have accomplished what God set out for her to do? As a baby,

Fanny had something wrong with her eyes and the treatment the doctor gave her

instead of helping her, caused her to be permanently blind. There’s no record of the

mom suing the doctor, railing against God for the unfairness, or any of the family

descending into depression. Instead, here’s a poem Fanny wrote when she was 8

years old:

Oh what a happy child I am although I cannot see

I am resolved that in this world contented I will be

how many blessings I enjoy that other people don’t

so weep or sigh because I’m blind I cannot nor I won’t

Fanny resolved to be content. She would later say her blindness was a gift from God as it

caused her to be able to memorize long passages of scripture, worship God without

distraction, write her poetry from a concentrated mind.

If an eight year old can resolve to thank God in all things, to say yes to God by fully

embracing the uncomfortable in life, I think I can too. How about you? I want to radiate

the love and joy of Christ as a mama, a grandma, a wife, a neighbor and the one thing

I’ve resolved to do this year is ‘be thankful’.


Love is…tricky


Life is Hard; Remember Moses